Our Story
What it is:
Pic-A-Jam is a deck of cards that keeps the music playing, evokes conversations, and provides entertainment for all involved.
It all started on a small campground in the middle of Ohio. While on our annual Father’s Day camping trip we circled around the fire to listen to music. We decided to let each person pick a song. We quickly noticed that stories were being told and all types of songs were played. After a few years of listening to music like this it became harder and harder for people to pick a song. The solution to the problem was the creation of Pic-A-Jam.
What it does:
Pic-A-Jam is the most interactive way to listen to music. Pic-A-Jam provides people with a starting point to listen to and talk about their favorite songs and experiences, let the cards be the DJ. Pic-A-Jam can be used while playing board games, card games, hanging by the fire, hanging by the pool, on road trips, or wherever music is being played. Pic-A-Jam provides a bridge for conversation between young and old, family and friends, and bonding with new acquaintances through the music of your life.
Each Pic-A-Jam card provides a unique prompt that relives an experience in your life along with creating new ones.
Our goal:
We hope Pic-A-Jam provides you with the fun and camaraderie that we have experienced.